Why the QBR is the perfect time for MSPs to pitch (and sell) more

Why the QBR is the perfect time for MSPs to pitch (and sell) more

Explore how MSPs can leverage QBRs to strengthen client relationships and boost recurring revenue by positioning upsells as essential, risk-focused solutions tailored to their clients’ long-term success.

We all know the feeling. The year is rolling along smoothly and before you know it, it’s time for the dreaded QBR.

You’re busy and it can be tempting to avoid these calls altogether. But here’s a little secret: The QBR is a great time to tell your clients about additional services you can offer to keep their organization more secure (while helping you increase your MRR).

Upselling doesn’t have to feel sleazy — it’s just about offering real solutions and approaching the conversation in the right way.

We’re here to guide you through it, step by step.

Frame upsells around risk mitigation

The upsell isn’t about pitching services or products your clients don’t need. They can go to Best Buy for that. Instead, it’s a chance to make sure your customers understand the threats they face — and how you can keep them safe.

(Psst! Check out our full guide on how to navigate cybersecurity conversations with clients.)

Identify your client’s risks and vulnerabilities. Show them what’s at stake now to prevent issues later. Don’t be afraid to highlight their weak spots and worst-case scenarios. 

These threats and vulnerabilities exist. It’s not fear-mongering — it’s the reality we live in. You’re just lifting the veil to help protect your client. 

For many clients, extra cybersecurity protection might seem like an unnecessary expense. That is until you show them how single breaches can destroy reputations, shut down companies and cost millions in lawsuits.

If an add-on service prevents a major vulnerability from being exploited, it’s not an upsell — it’s you doing your job well.

Put client needs front and center

As an MSP, you’re not just your customer’s help desk. You’re a strategic partner. You’re on the same team and you want their business to succeed just as much as they do. 

Make sure your clients know that. Connect the dots and explain how your solutions save money in the long term. Help them see how modern IT aligns with their goals.

Your clients want their businesses to be respected, trusted and running smoothly. But data breaches, outdated systems and laggy tech can hold them back. 

It’s your job to show them that investing in the right services now is what keeps those setbacks from becoming a reality.

Offer bite-sized solutions

You have a kick-ass security bundle, but your customer is hesitant. The solution involves a lot of change. It’s different. Maybe it’s pricey. 

But your client doesn’t have to go from zero to 100 right off the bat. Try offering tiered solutions with additional services or tools that are within their reach.

An incremental solution spreads out their budget and helps them feel in control of the process. As their company and budget grow, you can suggest more ways to improve their cybersecurity posture. 

tiered pricing

Share stories

Numbers are important, but the stories behind them can truly drive the point home.

Tell them about other businesses you’ve helped. Show them what happened when another client thought their network was invincible — and how you saved the day by implementing stronger password policies or patching potential vulnerabilities.

No major wins yet? That’s okay. The more you engage and apply your expertise, the more opportunities you’ll have to make a real impact.

Keep the momentum going

Phew! You got through the conversation. 

Maybe your client was sold immediately, ready to buy any and every service you offer. You’re just that good.

But maybe they weren’t. 

That’s okay too. Try not to be discouraged. 

Keep the ball rolling by following up with a summary of your conversation, highlighting key data points and your recommendations. 

Try to get the next meeting on the books so they can get specifics on your offerings, costs and implementation timeline.

Take it one QBR at a time

Remember that upselling is a journey, not a sprint. It may not yield immediate results, but with practice, you’ll refine your approach and start gathering those success stories.

Upselling should be a win-win, not an uphill battle. That’s why we designed our QBR template to help you have more productive and lucrative client conversations.
In addition to receiving a fully customizable QBR presentation template, you’ll also get tips for making the call more relevant to each client’s needs and positioning yourself as your clients’ partner (not just their IT support).

Get your free customizable QBR template
MSP QBR template

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